DigiClerk (DC) is available to users on subscription. However, in order to accelerate the development of the platform DC need Founder Members who pay a one off, life time fee, and will travel the growth journey with DC.

Founder Member +  Member + Founder Member Member
Access all Collections

Digitise their Collections

Categorise, sort, group, display, share, compare

View records in all Collections

Establish Collector and Collection groups

Monetise their Collection/s (coming soon)

Add Trader capability

Access all Collections

Digitise their Collections

Categorise, sort, group, display, share, compare

View records in all Collections

Establish Collector and Collection groups

Monetise their Collection/s (coming soon)

Add Trader capability

Access one Collection

Digitise their Collection

Categorise, sort, group, display, share, compare

View records in one Collection

Establish Collector and Collection groups

Monetise their Collection (coming soon)

Add Trader capability

Access one Collection

Digitise their Collection

Categorise, sort, group, display, share, compare

View records in one Collection

Establish Collector and Collection groups

Monetise their Collection (coming soon)

Add Trader capability

Access to DC’s product roadmap & future development

Can invite 10 Founder Members each

Listed on Founder Member age (optional)

·Coming soon Access to DC’s product roadmap & future development

Can invite 10 Founder Members each

Listed on Founder Member page (optional)

Upgrade to Founder Member + for £50 once

·Coming soon
no limit no limit
£80 once £8pm or £80pa £50 once £5pm or £50 pa
life yearly life yearly


Some explanations

  • Access all Collections..Access to all Collections available on DigiClerk (DC) (currently People, Yachting and Stamps).
  • Digitise their Collections.  Using either the DC app or scanning in records, then uploading them onto the platform and digitising the record.
  • Categorise, sort, group, display, share, compare…as the records are uploaded the relevant fields help categorise and sort them.  Members can group records and create groups to work on records. The records are displayed and shared with other members who can then compare them.  Once the machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) phases are implemented this will be come a much quicker and more intuitive process.
  • View records in all Collections…members will be able to view all records across all Collections.
  • Establish Collector and Collection groups…members can create groups around records.  useful for projects based around locations or churches or graveyards or names.
  • Monetise their Collection/s (coming soon)…members who are Data Owners (DO) will be able to derive revenue credits for record held in their name, as DOs, in their electronic wallets.
  • Add Trader capability (coming soon)..for an additional yearly subscription (payable monthly or yearly), members will be able to use the platform to trade the physical records.
  • Access to DC’s product roadmap & future development…DC wants to work with Founder Members to further develop the platform.  We have passed the minimal viable product (MVP) stage and have a volume of records in each collection to prove the system.  Founder Members will be able to help DC formulate further functionality going forward.
  • Can invite 10 Founder Members each…DC assumes that Founder Members will come from the various relevant communities surrounding each collection type.  They are best placed to know who else should benefit from this pioneering membership.
  • Listed on Founder Member page (optional)…Founder Members can, if they want, be listed on the Founder Members page.
  • Limited to 1,000 only or Limited to 2,000 only…there cannot be more then 1,000 Founder Member + on DC nor more than 2,000 Founder Members.
  • £80 once or £50 once…the Founder Member + fee is a one off, life time, fee of £80 or the Founder Member fee is a one off, life time, fee of £50.
  • life…Life means life.  For as long as the Founder Member + is living.
  • no limit…there is no limit to the amount of Member + or Member subscribers
  • Trading.  For a monthly fee of £2.50 all subscribing members can enable the ability to trade their records with other subscribers.  This functionality will come in the future.
  • Private Collections.  For an extra fee (dependent on the size of the collection) the collection can be kept private and only to invited subscribers.  There will be two levels of Private: ‘Private +’ where there is no trace of the record to anyone other than invited subscribers and ‘Private’ where the actual record is not viewable by all subscribers (only invited subscribers) but all subscribers will be aware that the record is held on DC.   There will be a number of collections that will want to be Private until they are ready to be made public.