marriage records

Marriage records We have been busy in our local Sudbury library uploading some Suffolk marriage records onto the People Collection.  The records are marriage allegations. Upload and explore! We thought that we should stop and understand what they actually mean.  A marriage licence allegation indicates the intention to marry. Definition of a marriage licence with…

development update

The development of DigiClerk (DC) is progressing well and here is a development update as of 25 May 2023. Key business processes To start we need to go back to the basics and the four key business processes of DC: Onboard Members Input records Look at records Download records. These are the key processes. We…

Medieval Wills

DigiClerk has posted it’s oldest record today in the form a Medieval will. On the 3rd December 1462 John Bakere of Cavendish described his will with elements going to his wife, Katherine and children Alice and John.  Wills are a great source of information about family history.  Often they give the location, relationships and profession…