Are these stamps for sale? The answer is, for the moment, no.

The question refers to the DigiClerk Stamp Collection and recent posts on the Facebook site DigiClerk Stamps | Facebook.

They have been scanned, digitised and uploaded to demonstrate how DigiClerk allows stamp collectors to display their collection.  Displayed to a selected global audience. The community of stamp collectors.

We intend to develop a number of further features of DigiClerk and one of those will be the ability to trade stamps using an electronic wallet. Members will then be able to indicate that their stamps are for sale. Another feature will involve the use of AI to identify stamps and confirm which set they belong to.

However, we do not want to get ahead of ourselves and invent something that satisfies only us.  We need the DigiClerk Stamp Collection to satisfy you and therefore, we seek Founder Members, to fund and steer the development of the DigiClerk Stamp Collection with a once in a lifetime payment.


Are these stamps for sale? The answer is, for the moment, no.

The question refers to the DigiClerk Stamp Collection and recent posts on the Facebook site DigiClerk Stamps | Facebook.

They have been scanned, digitised and uploaded to demonstrate how DigiClerk allows stamp collectors to display their collection.  Displayed to a selected global audience. The community of stamp collectors.

We intend to develop a number of further features of DigiClerk and one of those will be the ability to trade stamps using an electronic wallet. Members will then be able to indicate that their stamps are for sale. Another feature will involve the use of AI to identify stamps and confirm which set they belong to.

However, we do not want to get ahead of ourselves and invent something that satisfies only us.  We need the DigiClerk Stamp Collection to satisfy you and therefore, we seek Founder Members, to fund and steer the development of the DigiClerk Stamp Collection with a once in a lifetime payment.