Category: records

Why do all the years seem to have busy starts on DigiClerk?

Within the DigiClerk People Collection all records require a:

  • person
  • place, and
  • date.

The dates are saved in this format (ddmmyyyy). Often, especially with older records (like hearth taxes or medieval wills) on the year of the event is recorded.  Where we only have the year we record the date as 0101yyyy (1st January of the year).  Hence, many records appear at the 1st January and it seems that there are busy starts to the year.

Where we have the month and the year we record the date as 01mmyyyy (1st of the month of the year).  Hence there seems to be a lot more activity on the first of each month. Hence, many records appear at the 1st of the month in a year and it seems that there are busy starts to the month.

Nothing to worry about!

As an aside, whilst we are on dates, if DigiClerk doesn’t have a date on a record it allocates 01011970 for the record. Random!


Category: records

Why do all the years seem to have busy starts on DigiClerk?

Within the DigiClerk People Collection all records require a:

  • person
  • place, and
  • date.

The dates are saved in this format (ddmmyyyy). Often, especially with older records (like hearth taxes or medieval wills) on the year of the event is recorded.  Where we only have the year we record the date as 0101yyyy (1st January of the year).  Hence, many records appear at the 1st January and it seems that there are busy starts to the year.

Where we have the month and the year we record the date as 01mmyyyy (1st of the month of the year).  Hence there seems to be a lot more activity on the first of each month. Hence, many records appear at the 1st of the month in a year and it seems that there are busy starts to the month.

Nothing to worry about!

As an aside, whilst we are on dates, if DigiClerk doesn’t have a date on a record it allocates 01011970 for the record. Random!