Can I store family records on DigiClerk?

Yes, you can store family records on DigiClerk. That’s one of the many reasons we have created DigiClerk and the People Collection platform.

archive in your attic. family records
You can upload your family records for others to see them either in public or a private group.
Better than that you can earn credit to your electronic wallet from those family records on DigiClerk and in public view.
You can also share your records within a private group. There is an extra cost involved in keeping the records private to a group. This could wrk well for a school alumini, military We have a live example that you can follow on the news page.

prentice house

church burial register
DigiClerk can help your church.
- Who gets to see the records held in your church? The likely answer is not many.
- How does anyone know what records are in your church and what names are amongst them? The likely answer is one person. The Rector.
- Is there an online map of the graves in the churchyard? The likely answer is no.
DigiClerk (DC) can help your church.
As a church do you know the true value of the records that you have stored in the church and those sent to county archives? In terms of diversity, who gets to see those records? Using the DC platform the church can digitise your records (leaving the physical records where they are) and make them available online to a global audience.

churchyard gravestone
Better than that, once DigiClerk has the right volume of subscribers, the church will earn income from those records.
Want to know more? Please contact
We are seeking Founder Members to help accelerate the development of the platform. See this one time fee offer and be part of the record revolution.

church burial register
DigiClerk can help your church.
- Who gets to see the records held in your church? The likely answer is not many.
- How does anyone know what records are in your church and what names are amongst them? The likely answer is one person. The Rector.
- Is there an online map of the graves in the churchyard? The likely answer is no.
DigiClerk (DC) can help your church.
As a church do you know the true value of the records that you have stored in the church and those sent to county archives? In terms of diversity, who gets to see those records? Using the DC platform the church can digitise your records (leaving the physical records where they are) and make them available online to a global audience.

churchyard gravestone
Better than that, once DigiClerk has the right volume of subscribers, the church will earn income from those records.
Want to know more? Please contact
We are seeking Founder Members to help accelerate the development of the platform. See this one time fee offer and be part of the record revolution.
Can I store family records on DigiClerk?

Yes, you can store family records on DigiClerk. That’s one of the many reasons we have created DigiClerk and the People Collection platform.

archive in your attic. family records
You can upload your family records for others to see them either in public or a private group.
Better than that you can earn credit to your electronic wallet from those family records on DigiClerk and in public view.
You can also share your records within a private group. There is an extra cost involved in keeping the records private to a group. This could wrk well for a school alumini, military We have a live example that you can follow on the news page.

prentice house

church burial register
DigiClerk can help your church.
- Who gets to see the records held in your church? The likely answer is not many.
- How does anyone know what records are in your church and what names are amongst them? The likely answer is one person. The Rector.
- Is there an online map of the graves in the churchyard? The likely answer is no.
DigiClerk (DC) can help your church.
As a church do you know the true value of the records that you have stored in the church and those sent to county archives? In terms of diversity, who gets to see those records? Using the DC platform the church can digitise your records (leaving the physical records where they are) and make them available online to a global audience.

churchyard gravestone
Better than that, once DigiClerk has the right volume of subscribers, the church will earn income from those records.
Want to know more? Please contact
We are seeking Founder Members to help accelerate the development of the platform. See this one time fee offer and be part of the record revolution.

church burial register
DigiClerk can help your church.
- Who gets to see the records held in your church? The likely answer is not many.
- How does anyone know what records are in your church and what names are amongst them? The likely answer is one person. The Rector.
- Is there an online map of the graves in the churchyard? The likely answer is no.
DigiClerk (DC) can help your church.
As a church do you know the true value of the records that you have stored in the church and those sent to county archives? In terms of diversity, who gets to see those records? Using the DC platform the church can digitise your records (leaving the physical records where they are) and make them available online to a global audience.

churchyard gravestone
Better than that, once DigiClerk has the right volume of subscribers, the church will earn income from those records.
Want to know more? Please contact
We are seeking Founder Members to help accelerate the development of the platform. See this one time fee offer and be part of the record revolution.
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